Archive for February, 2010

Say What You Want About LT But Don’t Call Him Fake
February 24, 2010

After seeing Ladainian Tomlinson, who, in case you forgot, was the most dominant running back since Barry Sanders (yes, he was better than Emmitt Smith), break down during his farewell press conference, the thing that resonated with me the most was how much he cares about his team.  People have called LT a lot of things in recent years, but the one thing you can’t say about him is that he doesn’t care about his teammates, fans, or the game of football.  His teary goodbye to the city of San Diego shouldn’t have been particularly noteworthy but it really stood out because so many professional athletes in this day and age are simply out of sync with the people who make their jobs (and lifestyles) possible.  As professional sports have become more and more riddled with selfish, greedy headcases and malcontents who think the rules of society don’t apply to them, I will remember LT not only for his on the field accomplishments, but also because he was a real class act.  Criticize him for sulking during big games or for taking losses too hard, but the fact of the matter is that LT simply doesn’t care what people think about him.  The guy has a ton of heart and I wish I still had my old powder blue LT jersey so that I could rock it one last time (by the way, that jersey is in the pantheon of the coolest jerseys of all time, along with the original Vince Carter Raptors jersey, the blue Sixers Iverson jersey, and, of course, the new Seahawks lime green alternate jerseys).  I doubt his career is over–he did have 12 touchdowns last year–but its sad that he won’t get to retire with the organization that made him a hall of famer and that he single handedly turned around.


Two Part NBA Trade Deadline Podcast
February 24, 2010

2/22/2010: (part one) – The guys discuss the NBA trade deadline and the free agent class of the summer of 2010.

2/22/2010: (part two) – The guys discuss the art of sports broadcasting and make some NBA playoff predictions.

The Inaugural Podcast
February 24, 2010 – The guys discuss a lackluster NBA All Star weekend and who they would like to see in the NBA dunk contest.

(Note: the first ten minutes of the podcast were accidentally cut out.)

Jayson Williams: Finally Going to Jail
February 23, 2010

It took eight years, and three Winter Olympic Opening ceremonies, but Jayson Williams is finally going to jail.  ESPN is reporting that Williams has been sentenced to five years in prison and is eligible for parole in the summer of 2011.  Nobody knows exactly what transpired on Valentine’s Day in 2002 other than the following facts: 1) Jayson Williams Limo Driver, Costas Christofi, was found dead due to a gunshot wound.  2) The gunshot wound matched the bullets found in the chamber of a gun that Jayson Williams possessed.  3) Jayson Williams was holding the gun when it discharged a bullet that took the life of his limo driver. 4) In the immediate aftermath, Jayson Williams attempted to cover up points 1-3. Lawyers, judges, and juries have spent eight years disputing whether or not there was intent on the part of Williams.

The only person who can answer that question is Williams himself, and I don’t think he will provide us an answer any time soon.  The real issue here is not Jayson Williams’ sentencing, but rather the fact that this soap opera nearly took a decade to resolve.  A man was shot and killed.  We knew who shot him.  And yet, it took a series of unsuccessful trials and postponements to get us to a sentence.  Green’s the guy who wants to go into Law, so I’m sure he can shed some light as to why these matters take so long to resolve, but as a clueless bystander, its preposterous that this ordeal played out the way it did.  After eight years, do we really think Jayson Williams will learn from his year and a half sentence?  It’s been so long since the night when he willingly or unwillingly fired that gun, you wonder if he will ever understand the gravity of his actions.

The guy got a DUI less than a month ago.

You might not think that has anything to do with a shooting back in 2002, but in reality it has EVERYTHING to do with the shooting.  Regardless of the details of that night, Jayson Williams acted reckless and had no regard for the well-being of those around him.  Whether he meant to or didn’t mean to fire that gun, he did so because of a lack on consideration for the gravity of the decision he was making to show off a gun.  Similarly, just a month ago, he demonstrated the same careless nature, when he decided to operate an automobile and put other drivers on the road that night, as well as himself, in danger.  The DUI charge speaks volumes to the fact that Jayson Williams has not spent the past eight years reflecting on his wrongdoings, but instead he has paid lawyers to put off his sentencing for as long as possible so he can continue to live his carefree lifestyle.  My gut tells me that he won’t learn much in his eighteen months in the pen, but then again I’ve never spent a night in jail…I hear they have some unique teaching methods on the inside.


Welcome to “Two Man Couch!”
February 23, 2010

Very glad you’ve decided to check out the official blog of KWVS FM’s number one sports talk show, “Two Man Couch.”  Tone and I are thrilled to be hosting our own show and, in addition to our on-air broadcasts (tentatively scheduled for 3-5 PM PST on Mondays and Fridays on KWVS FM in Malibu) which we will be posting links to (as podcasts), we will also be writing regularly about whatever might be happening in the wide world of sport (or news, movies, music, etc).  As always, feedback is encouraged, so please feel free to contact either one of us if you have any suggestions or ideas.  Glad to have you on board.
